Colocasia Stem with Prawn

kochur loti raw Chingri Kochur Loti / Colocasia stem with PrawnBangladeshi recipes are famous all over the world. The land of Bangladesh is very fertile. Vegetables are grown in plenty here. Kochur Loti / Colocasia Stem is a familiar green vegetable in Bangladesh. Colocasia Stem with Prawn is one of the familiar recipes of Bangladeshi recipes. It is found in the rural areas in Bangladesh. Colocasia Stem is a seasonal vegetable. It grows in rainy season in Bangladesh. But now a days Colocasia Stem is cultivated all the year round. Various types of recipes are cooked with Colocasia Stem. Colocasia Stem contains a lot of vitamins and minerals. The cultivating cost of Colocasia Stem is not very high. Some spices and ingredients are essential for cooking this recipe. The method of preparation is given below;

kochu loti Chingri Kochur Loti / Colocasia stem with PrawnIngredients:
* 500 gram kochir loti / colocasia stem
* 120 gram peel prawn
* ½ medium onion sliced
* 4-6 green chillies
* ¼ teaspoon turmeric powder
* 3 clove garlic chopped
* 1 teaspoon hot English mustard paste
* 1 tablespoon coconut cream
* 3 tablespoon oil
* Salt to taste

How to prepare:
1. Put frozen packet of kochir loti / colocasia stem in drainer and place under running water. When it defrosts, keep aside.
2. Heat pan with oil and fry the onion till it becomes transparent.
3. Add turmeric, garlic, coconut, mustard and salt and saute it till oil is separated.
4. Add prawn and cook 1-2 minutes.
5. Add kochur loti / colocasia stem and ½ water.
6. Cook it till kochur loti / colocasia stem becomes tender. Serve Chingri kochur loti / colocasia stem with prawn with rice.
