Oven Roasted Tomatoes

Recipes with tomatoes are very common all over the world. Tomatoes are very familiar vegetable all over the world. Recipes with tomatoes are very common. Oven roasted tomatoes make the best sauce in the world. Pizza, pasta, lasagna, anything made with it will taste so good you will be amazed. actually tomatoes are cultivated in winter but now a days it is cultivated all the year round. For this reason, tomatoes are found all the year round. We can use it in many ways. Oven roasted Tomatoes is one of them. Oven roasted Tomatoes are very delicious. Mainly tomatoes are used as "salad" in Bangladesh. Before cooking this recipe at first we have to know how to roast tomatoes. The cooking process of 'Oven roasted Tomatoes' is as follows;


* 2 cloves garlic , crushed
*  1/2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley
* 1/4 cup (60 ml) water
* 2 tablespoons olive oil
* 4 medium (520g) tomatoes

How to make:
1. Combine garlic, parsley. water and oil in bowl; mix well.
2. Cut tomatoes in half, place on greased oven tray ; spoon parsley mixture over each  half. Bake tomatoes, uncovered , in moderately slow oven about 1 3/4  hours of until tomatoes are well cooked.
* Recipe best made just before serving.
* Freeze : Not suitable.
* Microwave: Not suitable.
