
Sandesh is is one kind of dairy product. Sandesh is very tasty recipe. It is made from chhana. But Its origin is milk because chhana and sandesh are made from milk. Sandesh contains a lot of protein and fats. It is very delicious recipe. Generally sandesh is prepared in the restaurants. Everybody likes this recipe. Its production cost is very low. Sandesh is seen Bangladesh, India, Pakistan and some other countries of the world. Bangladesh is famous for producing sandesh. The method of preparation is as follows;
2 cups chhana
1/4 cup sugar
75 gm (3 oz) molasses ( patali gur )

* Smash the molasses ( patali gur ).
* Melt molasses over low heat. Add the sugar and chhana ( milk casein ). Cook over a low  heat stirring constantly.
* Remove from the heat when chhana forms a lump and is slightly sticky.
* Spread chhana on a tray. Knead chhana very well to make it smooth. Make 16 balls. With a greased mold of sandesh press the balls.
* Serve at a tea party or as a dessert. 6 servings.
