
January 24, 2013

Sweet Rice with Pineapple


450 gm (1 lb) pullao or basmati rice,
¾ cup chopped pineapple,
4 cardamoms,
2 cloves,
2 sticks 2.5 cm piece cinnamon,
½ cup ghee,
3 ½ cups sugar,
2 tablespoons raisins,
1 tablespoon shredded pistachios,
1 tablespoon shredded almonds,
 Tablespoons grated mawa,
½ teaspoon saffron,
Egg yellow food color.

Cooking Process:
Step 1
Boil 7 cups of water adding food color (light color is desirable). Rinse the rice, add to the boiling water and stir. After 15 – 18 minutes when rice is cooked, pour in coriander to discard gruel. Spread to cool.
Step 2
If possible select a fresh pineapple. Cut the pineapple lengthwise and core with a fork. In case of canned pineapple chop it finely.
Step 3
In a saucepan place the sugar mixed with ¼ cup of water. Add the cardamoms, cinnamon and ghee. Cook over a moderate heat stirring constantly. When sugar melts add the pineapple. Cook for 5 minutes. Add the rice and saffron and stir. Cook for five minutes and add the raisins. Keep covered over a very low heat for 8 – 10 minutes or spread rice on an oven tray. Put in the hot oven 1800C (3500F) for 20 – 30 minutes.
Step 4
Remove the tray from the oven and allow to cool. Serve in a dish. While serving, fluff up the sweet rice kernels with a fork. Garnish with raisins, pistachios, almonds and mawa.

Serve for dessert or with or tea or coffee. Yields 16 – 20 servings.
